36 Farrell Fritz Lawyers Recognized as Best Lawyers® Award Recipients
Over the next 30 years, there will be a massive transfer of wealth from one generation to the next, a transfer that has already begun. The median inheritance in 2019 was $92,700 for those whose parents had a college degree and $76,200 for those whose parents didn’t have a college degree, according to the Federal Reserve.
Some assets you could leave your heirs are more effective for tax and financial purposes. But most importantly, with careful planning, you can prevent the emotional and even family-destroying fights that happen with some of the worst assets to inherit.
“Failing to look ahead can be especially harmful when it comes to estate planning, the reason being that the problems often arise only after you are no longer around to fix them or to express your own wishes,” says Neil V. Carbone, trusts and estates partner at Farrell Fritz in New York.
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